Advancing Education & Employment Services Webinar

Youth Collaboratory

As we prepare for the release of federal funding opportunities for education and employment programs, many youth services providers are asking how they can support youth in developing and achieving goals related to their education and employment programs, and what services need to be included in order for programs to have successful outcomes. In this webinar, Megan Blondin, Executive Director of MANY, and Susan Spagnuolo, Senior Technical Assistance Manager of MANY, look at key practices in strengthening education and employment programs and developing funding to support them. This webinar examines the key practices of effective education and employment programs for youth in high risk situations and the practical considerations for implementation. It also includes first hand insight into federal funding opportunities to support this work, including a breakdown of how MANY can help you implement these practices and successfully vie for funding. To view a recording of this webinar, please click here

MANY will also be hosting a webinar on February 24, 2015 that explores how youth can strengthen their skills in developing relationships with potential employers, including sales and marketing strategies, understanding employer needs, representing young job seekers, making the pitch, and developing strong approaches to engage employers. This webinar will be presented by Amy Landesman, President of Amy Landesman Consulting and Consultant Member of MANY, who previously served as the Executive Director of Workforce Professionals Training Institute (WPTI), a training and technical assistance organization devoted to strengthening the field of workforce development.