Financial Empowerment Toolkit

Susan Spagnuolo

The Financial Empowerment Toolkit for Youth and Young Adults in Foster Care, developed by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration on Children, Youth and Families and the Office of Community Services, provides caseworkers, independent living skills providers, foster parents, and other supportive adults with strategies and resources to promote financial capability among young adults in foster care preparing to transition out of the system. The toolkit is a compilation of lessons learned, best practices and practical tools, which can be used together or separately. It is aimed at those working with youth under the age of 18 and young adults preparing to transition out of foster care, and the content and tools can be tailored to meet stakeholder needs based on the intended outcomes of their services and the characteristics of the populations they serve. Accompanying the toolkit are tipsheets for young people on various topics including credit history, taxes, building credit, and insurance.